Meet 21-year-old Denis from Irbaan community in Talek, Maasai Mara. He was born and raised in the same village and is currently enrolled in a computer skills certification program at the Youth Friendly Centre (YFC) as he prepares to enter college after completing high school.
Denis is one of 50 peer mentors chosen for the Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) Project. He has been an active peer mentor; attending mentorship training, providing ASRH training in the villages and participating in the school mentorship program. He has gained real confidence in tackling issues impacting youths and adolescents such as teenage pregnancies, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), child rights, early marriages and reproductive health. Denis’ confidence and knowledge has really grown since taking part in the programme.
"Before I joined i was afraid of addressing sensitive Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) issues with my peers. But after participating in mentorship trainings given by the ASRH project, I gained knowledge and confidence in addressing to the community, particularly youths and adolescents, about ASRHR issues. Teenage pregnancies will be reduced, FGM will be eliminated, and young boys and girls will be able to finish their education as a result of raising community awareness of ASRH.
"In the past, youths have been ignored when it comes to decision making, even on problems that directly affect them. I am confident that the project's impact will be visible after 5 years. Together with my other peer mentors, I am excited to provide mentorship training at the village and school levels, and we look forward to seeing the transformation that this will bring to the community. I believe in generational development through information sharing."